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Watch List

The watch list is a powerful means to check the quality of a translation. If the watch list is active, every TU is checked for watch list items. And when a watch list item is found, you get a warning (or the search function displays the TU concerned).

You can activate the watch list function in the Document options dialog box. The first tab, Miscellaneous, contains the Watch list frame:

If you activate the Check source text and/or translation for watch list items checkbox, all TUs will be checked for watch list items.

You can also choose when to check the TU: after opening it and/or before closing it. If you deactivate both options, the watch list check will only be executed when you search for TUs to be revised, or when you start the quality check function manually, or when you check the whole document for watch list items (all functions are available in the Navigation sub-menu).

When you activate the watch list when the watch list is still empty, you are asked whether you want to edit the watch list. If you choose not to edit it, the watch list will be deactivated again.

Note: The number of watch list entries is limited to 1000 entries.

When you choose to edit the watch list, or when you click the Edit watch list button, or when you execute the menu command MetaTexis | Navigation | Edit watch list, the following dialog box will appear:

In the top margin of the dialog, the active watch list file is displayed. When you activate the watch list feature for the first time, a new watch list file for the current language combination will automatically be created and saved in the standard watch list directory called "Watchlists" (located in the MetaTexis program directory). When you activate the watch list feature for another document, and a watch list file with the current language combination is already available, it will automatically be loaded.

Of course, you can also select another watch list, or create a new one by clicking the Select or Create button. By clicking the Import button, you can import another watch list file into the active file.

Note: The watch list file has the XML format. You can easily edit it with other xml editors (like Word 2003) or watch it in Internet Explorer. However, you are advised to only edit it via the watch list dialog of MetaTexis to avoid inconsistencies.

The watch list consists of three different lists:

·       Words in source text:

A warning is shown if the source text contains one or more of the words in this list.

·       Words in translation:

A warning is shown if the translation contains one or more of the words in this list.

·       Combination of words in source text and translation:

A warning is shown if the source text and the translation contain one or more of the combination of words in this list. The following logical combinations are possible:





















Case (1) is the most common one: If the source text includes the WordInSource, a warning will be shown if the translation does NOT include the WordInTrans. This way, you can make sure that any terminology in the source text is translated consistently.

Case (2) can be used to detect misleading use of terminology. A warning will be shown if the translation includes the WordInTrans and the source text does not include the WordInSource.

Case (3) is another way to detect misleading use of terminology. A warning will be shown if the source text includes the WordInSource and if the translation contains the WordInTrans. The WordInTrans would be a wrong translation of the WordInSource, for example.

Case (4) is logically possible, but does not make sense, in most cases.

Below each list, there are four buttons: Edit, New, Delete, Import. These buttons are explained below.


Editing the Watch List

Importing Watch List Entries